Review Criteria Catalog
The criteria used to evaluate and review the different modeling languages originate partly from the various review papers identified during the first literature search [BWKG14, BBF+18, BCR+19, KS19, NMJ19, SDA12, QK18]. However, this review considers only criteria aspects that may be relevant for the subsequent ADL selection. Therefore, some criteria have been slightly modified or extended. The selected criteria sets from the review papers are language characteristics, cloud modeling capabilities and tooling support. In addition to this more general perspective, two other criteria sets are examined that focus on aspects directly related to the quality model and the aim to represent CNA architectures formally: representation of proposed entities and architectural evaluations. The following presents a detailed description of the different aspects considered and analyzed within the mentioned criteria sets.
Language Characteristics
Almost all identified review papers also consider most of the following general language characteristics for their review. Especially the aspects scope and purpose, syntax and semantics are almost always included [BWKG14, BBF+18, BCR+19, KS19, NMJ19, SDA12], although sometimes under a different term in the case of the scope and purpose aspect. The other three aspects delivery model [BBF+18, BCR+19, NMJ19], reusability [KS19] and typing mechanism [BBF+18, BCR+19] are part of some reviews, depending on the respective focus.
Scope and purpose
This criterion determines in which context the modeling language is supposed to be used. It involves analyzing the different aspects the language covers and its intended purpose. A language can, for example, focus on aspects related to the modeling of multi-cloud applications. Furthermore, its intended purpose can range from simply sketching the software architecture to covering the entire lifecycle of an application. The purpose and scope of a modeling language introduce a significant influence on the language’s characteristics such as syntax or semantics [BBF+18, KKP+14].
Generally, the syntax defines how the modeling language can be represented, meaning its notation and its included concepts and their relations. Thus, for a more detailed and specific perspective on the subject, this aspect is further divided into a modeling language’s abstract syntax and its concrete syntax. The abstract syntax specifies a language’s concepts and their relation to each other, typically structured in the form of a metamodel [BWKG14, BBF+18]. In addition, it describes the rules on how to build valid statements while combining the concepts [AKR+19, p. 21f.]. This evaluation identifies the formalisms used for this purpose, of which XML Schema or MOF-based formalisms[^1] are popular examples [AKR+19, BBF+18]. The concrete syntax then builds on the foundation of the abstract syntax, typically to improve intuitive handling and readability. The concrete syntax achieves this by providing a specific representation for the abstract elements using textual or graphical notations. These notations can be realized with different serialization languages such as XML, XMI or JSON.
In contrast to a language’s syntax, its semantics give meaning to the elements defined in the syntax [BWKG14, BBF+18, HR04]. According to Harel and Rumpe [HR04], a semantic’s definition typically provides a mapping from the abstract syntax elements to elements of some well-understood and well-defined semantic domain. The chosen domain’s degree of formality in terms of its description can vary significantly: from plain English to rigorous mathematics [HR04, p. 66ff.]. Bergmayr et al. [BBF+18, p. 7f.] further extend this concept with the approach of an implemented interpreter, which directly operates on the models. They name model-based provisioning engines as a concrete example of such an interpreter for modeling languages in the cloud context. Therefore, they distinguish in their review between operational and translational approaches for this. Operational refers here to a provided toolset that directly interprets or executes models. In contrast, translational specifies that a language provides a mapping to another formally defined language such as Java [BBF+18, p. 21]. This review considers the differentiation between operational and translational as well, but also more generally whether and, if yes, how the semantics are provided.
Target model
In the context of the cloud, modeling languages typically target a specific cloud environment. These can be distinguished based on the commonly accepted main cloud service categories: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS)[^2] [BBF+18, p. 7]. This review considers, equivalent to Bergmayr et al.’s review [BBF+18], to which cloud service category the application-related artefacts belong that can be represented by the respective modeling language. In case all categories are possible, this is referred to as Everything as a Service (XaaS).
Reusing parts of existing models for creating new ones can simplify and accelerate the creation process. Furthermore, it provides the possibility to define and introduce standardized models for well-known concepts or components [KS19, p. 55]. This review uses the same classification classes for this criterion as introduced by Kritikos and Skrzypek [KS19]: low, medium and high. Low implies that only entire application models can be reused by manually copying them into the new model. Medium, on the other hand, describes that new models can also refer to parts of an existing model, such as very complex elements. Finally, high means that a new model can reuse any existing model element simply by referring to it.
Complexity reduction
Since models can get quite complex and big, it is desirable to have the possibility to reduce a model’s complexity, making it manageable again. An example of this is a model element allowing for compaction, as other elements can further refine it. This review examines whether and, if yes, how the complexity reduction can be realized.
Typing mechanism
Bergmayr et al. [BBF+18] also analyze their reviewed modeling languages concerning Atkinson and Kuhne’s [K ¨ uh06, AK07] two classification mechanism types: linguistic and ontological. Linguistic refers to the relationship between models and their metamodels, commonly characterized as language definitions. The models are then described as statements expressed using that language [AK07, p. 138]. Therefore, linguistic types determine the valid model instances of such a language definition. Ontological types on the other hand are defined using a language’s (linguistic) types and thus are not grounded in the language definition. They allow creating custom types and are often used to capture vital features solely relevant in a specific context. For more clarification on these concepts, consider the following example visualized in Figure 6 and based on [AK02, FSR+14]. A Dog Breed represents a certain type of dog for which a Mongrel would be an example for a linguistic instance. However, to be even more specific, the dog called Laika is then an ontological instance of the Mongrel Dog Breed. Additionally, Laika is also a linguistic instance of the metamodel’s Dog Breed Instance. Differentiating between these two typing mechanisms is relevant because modeling languages can be extended in the case of ontological typing without modifying its definition [FCS+18, p. 4]. Therefore, the following review also examines which typing mechanism a modeling language provides.