Documentation of Google Raw Results - Part 2
All Google Search Results from pages 6 – 10 based on the following search string. Listing the website with the title, author and creation date in case it exists and is, for example, a blog entry instead of a Github page or general homepage. For each result, possible modeling libraries are listed and related remarks documented in case some interesting information was already discovered. However, modeling tools that are not library-related are not considered in more detail.
javascript AND web AND (diagramming | drawing) AND (open-source OR open source OR OSS)
Search date: 2022-03-31 → Number of considered websites 76
→ not related
→ not related
- "JavaScript SVG diagram editor 6.5 times smaller than Bootstrap (open source library)" by Alexey Boyko (Jan 31, 2022)
→ DgrmJS (create SVG diagrams: mainly for workflow in BPM)
- "How can we run the source code locally"
→ not related
→ Fabric.js
→ not related
→ not related
→ not related
→ amCharts (data visualization)
→ anime.js (animation library)
→ software not modeling library
→ new websearch on gigagünstig
→ not related
- "Naview: A d3.js Based JavaScript Library for Drawing and Annotating Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels Membrane Diagrams" by (February 11, 2022) → as PDF download found
→ d3.js
→ not related
- (shown as Ad)
→ Mindfusion JavaScript Diagram library
- (shown as Ad)
→ not related
→ Anime.js (animation library)
→ PixiJS
→ Web-based Tool for BPMN among other things → bpmn-js → dmn-js → form-js → cmmn-js
→ diagramming tool not library → D3.js
- "10 Open Source Software for Web and Graphic Designers" by Anjaneyulu Naini (February 8, 2022)
→ Software not modeling libraries
→ not related
→ Rough.js
→ PlantUML Software for UML diagrams
→ Mapbox GL JS (building webapps)
→ not related
→ new websearch on izito
- (shown as Ad)
→ not related
→ not related
→ new websearch on gigagünstig
- (shown as Ad)
→ Mindfusion JavaScript Diagram library
→ not related
→ gaming framework
- "28 Free, Open Source and Top Flowchart Software"
→ software not modeling libraries
→ Konva.js (for desktop and mobile applications)
→ modeling software not libraries
- "Open Source GoJS Alternatives" (July 19, 2021)
mxGraph | |
Diagram-JS | |
Draw2D | |
JointJS | |
JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit |
- "Tech and scientific writing – graphics, diagram and graph creation tools" by bartwronski (October 22, 2017)
→ only considering libraries not software programs etc.
Mentioned Frameworks/Libraries Some Remarks based on Website information MathBox - library for visualizing math content
Flot - plottig library
D3 - data visualizations
Desmos calculator - plotting mathematics
Render diagrams -
→ VexFlow (music notation)
→ MathJax (display mathematics related content)
→ babylon.js
→ new websearch on DEV
→ not related
→ not related
- (shown as Ad)
→ not related
- (shown as Ad)
→ Mindfusion JavaScript Diagram
- (shown as Ad)
→ not related
→ VexFlow (music notation)
→ MathJax (display mathematics related content)
→ new websearch on DEV
→ StarUML modeling software
- "Tech and scientific writing – graphics, diagram and graph creation tools" by bartwronski (October 22, 2017)
→ only considering libraries not software programs etc.
Mentioned Frameworks/Libraries Some Remarks based on Website information MathBox - library for visualizing math content
Flot - plottig library
D3 - data visualizations
Desmos calculator - plotting mathematics
Render diagrams -
→ Sigma.js
→ drawing tool not library
→ not related
→ no Javascript libraries mentioned
→ Angular charting libraries
→ new websearch on gigagünstig
→ new websearch on izito
→ not related
→ new websearch on gigagünstig
- (shown as Ad)
→ Mindfusion JavaScript Diagram library
→ not related
- (shown as Ad)
→ GoJS
→ drawing tool not library
→ software not library
- "10 Open-Source JavaScript Data Chart Libraries Worth Considering" by Jake Rocheleau (February 8, 2022)
Chart.js |
jqPlot |
Chartist.js |
HighchartTable |
xCharts |
C3.js |
D3.js | |
Pizza Pie Charts |
Flot |
Dygraphs |
Protovis |
Theatre.js |
Rough.js | |
Snap.svg | |
p5.js |
Three.js | |
MetricsGraphics |
mo.js |
Paper.js |
Sprite.js |
Konva.js | |
React Konva | |
C3 |
D3 | |
GraphicsJS | |
Pts |
easycanvas |
mapbox-gl-js |
amelia | |
ChelseaJS |
Pixi.js | |
Graph Visualizer |
Tree Grapher Library |
Chart.js |
→ diagramming tool not library
→ diagramming tool not library
→ Source Map library (focus on creating maps)
→ listing only modeling libraries and no software, collaboration or chatting tools etc.
Mentioned Frameworks/Libraries Some Remarks based on Website information Jspaint - mostly for free drawing
Drawingboard.js Lazy Line Painter - SVG path animation
Leaflet Geoman - maps related
Atrament.js Literallycanvas Mapbox Gl Draw - for maps
React Canvas Draw React Sketch FabricJS Node Pureimage Pencil.js Isometric - for isometric projections
Sketchpad - mostly for free drawing
Canvas Free Drawing - allows free drawing
Easy Drawing Board - mostly free drawing
- only partly in english
Svg Scada Paintdraw - mostly free drawing
Syncpaint - mostly free drawing Whiteboard - free drawing
Sinus Studio - spirograph-like curves
Isometricks - isometric drawing tool
Webpaint - Webapplication that uses p5.js
Hotdraw.js Mandala - for drawing mandalas
Basiccanvas - static drawings
Draw - free drawing
Epicupsdraw - drawing tool uses mxGraph library
Realtime Drawing Application - free drawings
Pixelweaver - procedural drawing tool
Portraycanvas - free drawing to get points
Touchdrawer - mostly free drawing tool with very few shapes
Drawing Website React Konva Drawing - for drawing on maps
Etch A Sketch - Tool for coloring provided squares
Js Drawing2d Sha Js Etch A Sketch - Tool for coloring provided squares (white vs black)
Bitsketch - drawing application
Drawr - for free drawing
Canvaspenjs - based on sketchpad.js and interact.js
Create Graphic - for static graphics
Draw App - tool for free drawing
Landscape - mostly free drawing with very few shapes
Diagramax Whiteboard - free drawing
→ HTML Canvas Graphics (no diagramming library)
→ not related